I Love My Dog

Nicky Horne writes:

I love our twenty-month old cockapoo, Lola.

Growing up, we had a miniature poodle and I’ve always wanted a dog since, despite how neurotic he was. Mind you, he was living with my parents.

When living in a Surrey village some years later, we had a Yorkie called Daisy who came as a job lot with my then wife, and then two other retrievers, Bruce, named after guess-who, and Nelson. They both lived to a good age- unlike my marriage.

I returned to London without a wife and without a dog.

And then I met Jenny. In the words of Bob Dylan, she was married then, soon to be divorced, with three children.

The youngest, Jake, was totally allergic to dogs. When he was aged about ten, we took him to a breeder specialising in dogs for people with allergies. Although we were greeted by loads of gorgeous puppies, he was gasping for breath within five minutes. Any dog plans went on hold.

Fast-forward a few years and "Let’s just go for a look", I said to a cautious Jenny as I persuaded her to accompany me to a breeder.

As she cuddled one lovely puppy, another beautiful little animal just a few weeks old with gorgeous red fox hair came towards her, wiggling its bottom furiously. Nothing was said as she settled at Jenny‘s feet and looked up at her - but we both just knew.

We named her Lola – for obvious Kinky reasons and she’s been an absolute delight since she got home.

After the anticipated few little accidents in the first month or so, she’s been a dream dog. We did invite a trainer to visit a couple of times, more to teach us how to be good dog owners than to teach the dog, and her advice was invaluable.

It’s no exaggeration to say that Lola has made a huge positive change to our lives. I’m getting out more to exercise, and I’ve discovered the camaraderie between dog owners and met new friends.

As I write this, Lola has just walked into the room and nudged my leg. She’s now curled up at my feet. She has done wonders for my mental health.

For us boomers it’s never too late to get a dog.

And to mis-quote Cat Stevens

I love my dog

As much as I love Boom




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