Celebrating 208!

You'll remember tuning in to 208 - to enjoy the hits each evening on Radio Luxembourg.

We mark the station's huge contribution to radio as Rob Jones returns to its old home - the Villa Louvigny on Luxembourg - to broadcast one final late show on 30th December.

The station's English service enjoyed a rich history, dating back to its  days on long-wave on 1933, becoming the biggest commercial radio station in Europe. The mighty 208 transmitter closed in 1991, with the station itself closing at the end of the folowing year.

The Station of the Stars is fondly remembered.  The phrase 'listening under the bedclothes' has become somewhat of a cliche - but we truly did, not least through the earpiece on one of our new trannies.

Prior to the arrrival of UK commercial radio - and before and after most of the pirate stations - Radio Luxembourg transmitted pop music programmes for young Britons, beamed in from the station's famous home in the Villa Louvigny in the Grand Duchy.

Many household name presenters  were heard through the squeaky signal - including Pete Murray, Paul Burnett, Bob Stewart, Peter Powell, Kid Jensen - plus Rob Jones and Barry Alldis.

We remember too the merry jingles, adverts  and sponsors - including the famous Horace Batchelor from K.E.Y.N.S.H.A.M.


Rob Jones on 208 -  Monday December 30th 10.00 pm

Listen now on our catch-up service here

Pics by kind permission of https://radio.lu/en/home/





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